Global Macro Database
A new database is available that compiles 46 variables for 243 countries from 110 sources. Overall, that’s a very nice public good. A ton of thanks to the…
A new database is available that compiles 46 variables for 243 countries from 110 sources. Overall, that’s a very nice public good. A ton of thanks to the…
Today, I share a video that I did for the fantastic Youtube channel of Klaus Prettner. I hope it will be useful for students and practitioners. Comments and…
After Yesterday’s post on how to get access to daily data for exchange rate from the BIS using Python. Here, I add a Stata code snippet to investigate…
The Bank for International Settlements provides access to daily exchange rates. It may be interesting to plot the evolution of exchange rates since the Inauguration Day of the…
In the Stata New 40-1, it is easier to have access to template do-files from the menu. In this blog, I will show how to use a program…
Tomorrow, I will present a recent research written with Joshua Aizenman at the 4th IEAP Meeting: Investor Emotions & Asset Pricing in Lille at the IAE Lille. The…
In a series of previous blogs on the impact of climate risks on the fiscal space, I present some features of our ADB working paper written with John…
NEW PUBLICATION: This research provides novel empirical evidence about the exchange rate reaction to international organization loans and geopolitical preferences using an unbalanced panel of 153 countries observed…
After some insightful email exchanges with Lutz Kilian, I was wondering whether oil market uncertainty and geopolitical risk are related. To measure oil market uncertainty, I use the…
In a few days, Alfonso Ugarte from BBVA will release an updated version of his package LOCPROJ. In this new version, the LPGRAPH command has been greatly improved…
In a recent publication in Energy Economics, we found that geopolitical risk will drive up the price of several critical minerals, especially during episodes of heightened geopolitical tensions.…
In a previous blog, I covered the estimation of state-dependent local projection using LOCPROJ. The impact of random shocks of change in vulnerability affects positively the sovereign bond…
In this blog, I will show how to estimate Panel VAR with the new command xtvar introduced in StataNow. The dataset comes from a paper of mine on…
In this recent Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper, Atsushi Inoue, Òscar Jordà and Guido M. Kuersteiner offer a survey of the best practice about recent…
NEW PUBLICATION: Ensuring a stable supply of critical minerals at reasonable prices is essential for the clean energy transition. The security of supply of critical minerals is particularly…
Let me show you how to use DBnomics to access a subcomponent of ND GAIN scores. I recommend you to consult my blog series on DBnomics before delving…
In the last version of my working paper on the impact of climate risk on fiscal space, we use Joyplots to visualize the distribution of the ND-GAINS vulnerability…
A few days ago, I read the Country Risk Annual Report made by BBVA research and Alfonso Ugarte and David Sarasa Flores, in particular. On the slide 26,…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This paper investigates nonlinearities in the inflation-growth-uncertainty relationship in Chinese provinces over the period 1992 to 2017 using nonlinear models and dynamic panel threshold models.…
NEW WORKING PAPER: Ensuring a stable supply of critical minerals at reasonable prices is essential for the clean energy transition. The security of supply of critical minerals is…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This research provides novel empirical evidence about the exchange rate reaction to international organization loans and geopolitical preferences using an unbalanced panel of 153 countries…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This paper is a case study of the exchange rate adjustments during the first week following the swapping US election results. We compute three measures…
NEW WORKING PAPER: Ensuring a stable supply of critical minerals at reasonable prices is essential for the clean energy transition. The security of supply of critical minerals is…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This study analyzes the effects of local and global geopolitical risks (GPR) on real equity returns. Using a panel and country-specific local projections (LP) model,…
Let me show you how to add a third dimension on a bivariate maps in this second update of my blog on drawing bivariate maps for the Chinese…
Last week, I noticed the publication of a new research in Energy Economics by Hakan Yilmazkuday: Geopolitical risks and energy uncertainty: Implications for global and domestic energy prices. Energy…
Allow me to share that I published my second working paper for the Asian Development Bank: Impact of Climate Risk on Fiscal Space: Do Political Stability and Financial…
NEW PUBLICATION: This study examines the impact of international reserves on real exchange rate (RER) stability in the Europe and Central Asia (ECS) region, focusing on how financial…
In this blog, I will show you how to visualize the time-varying coefficients of the estimator proposed by Inoue et al. (2024). The dataset used in this blog…
Delighted to announce that I will travel to the US for the first time for a two-day workshop on “Energy Transition and Climate Change” in the city of Redondo…
I am delighted to announce that I will be a visiting scholar at the Bank of France from the 21st to the 31st of October. That is an…
Very honored to contribute my fourth guest blog post on Econbrowser. I am deeply grateful to Menzie Chinn. The recent literature establishes that climate risk reduces the fiscal space,…
A recent Bank of England working paper by Simon Lloyd and Ed Manuel suggests using a one-step approach with appropriate controls in the LP estimations. Lloyd, Simon &…
In 10 days, I will present a recent research in the French/Japanese conference on Asian and International Economies in an Era of Globalization. In this research, we use…
In our new working paper, written with John Beirne, Donghyun Park, and Gazi Salah Uddin, we find that political stability together with financial development matter for the negative…
Following my previous blog on currency composition of reserves, we can present the Ito-McCauley database on individual Central Bank reserve holdings. The database is available here and is…
The Bank of Finland just released a policy brief introducing a new database on the composition of international reserves: The authors are Falk Laser, Alexander Mihailov, and…
In this post, I will show you how to reshape ICRG data faster. The International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) dataset is maintained by the PRS group. In their…
NEW WORKING PAPER: We analyze the relationship between climate risk and fiscal space in a more systematic and rigorous way. To do so, we use panel local projections…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This study examines the impact of international reserves on real exchange rate (RER) stability in the Europe and Central Asia (ECS) region, focusing on how…
Asjad Naqvi released a new version of the bimap package, let me provide a small update of the following blog. The main difference will be that I will…
This post is based on two videos posted by Vasilis Sarafidis on his YouTube channel. In the first one, he presents briefly the theory about the rank condition…
Yesterday, Stata released two videos on how to use Difference-in-Differences commands built-in within Stata. The videos are very pedagogical, so allow me to share them with you: Treatment…
The Bank for International Settlements has produced a formidable effort to construct historical series for central bank total assets. The data and the methodology are available on their…
As some of you may know, I have growing interests in the field of Political Economy. It appeared that the set of explained variables that I studied in…
In the latest edition of the Stata News, I learned that Stata has adapted the Bayesian quantile estimator of Yu and Moyeed (2001). You need to have access…
In this recent NBER working paper, Òscar Jordà and Alan M. Taylor offer a survey of the best practice about recent developments on Local Projections (LP). The paper…
NEW WORKING PAPER: This note explores the impact of geopolitical relationships between the US and China on the oil price. Using time-varying local projections, my analysis reveals that…
In this blog, I will show how to use the Stata commands ‘graph combine’ and ‘foreach loop’ to produce high-quality graphs that may be included in the Data…
During the past twenty years, the US monetary policy has been characterized by an alternance of easing and tightening cycles. We can easily distinguish five cycles. The tightening…
In Stata, you can write long commands over several lines. You have basically three choices: first, change the end-of-line delimiter to ‘;’ with the following commands : “delimit…
In Stata 18, you can easily create the “Table 1” for your research work using the new dtable command. In the following, I will show how to use…
1 Introduction This short note aims to demonstrate the drawing of choropleth maps at different regional levels thanks to Natural Earth Data and GADM data. Drawing maps on…
In the following working paper, we assess the relative resilience of emerging countries during US monetary cycles. One possible measure of resilience is the number of months to…
Alfonso Ugarte Ruiz from BBVA research introduced the locproj package: s459204. The package is very useful, and I will show you how to customize the LP impulse response…
A good way to visualize panel data with Stata is to rely on the package panelview created and maintained by Yiqing Xu: Other possibilities include Ben Jann’s heatplot:…
A small update of the following blog if you want to remove Turkey:
After three blogs on how to draw maps with Stata for the NUTS regions and on how to download data from DBnomics, this time I will show you…
After two blogs on how to draw maps with Stata for the NUTS regions and on how to download data from DBnomics, this time I will show you…
After a series of blogs on maps, today, I will show how to draw a map for the East Asian and Pacific Region, following the World Bank classification.…
Asjad Naqvi released a new version of the bimap package, let me show a small example of how this package works with some regional data for China. I…
After a series of blogs where I explained the functioning of the DBnomics package: I will show how to directly download the Vulnerability Index built by the…
In his last post, Cullen S. Hendrix from the PIIE proposed to measure friendliness and like-mindedness using mean absolute distance with the US for two variables, the polyarchy…
After a previous post on mapping the Political Ties with Stata, let me show how to compute how to create an idea point relatively a specific country. This…
Sometimes, you need to extract some countries when you are using a panel. The most simple way to proceed is to use a loop after the creation of…
NEW BOOK CHAPTER: This chapter looks at the effect of corruption on foreign direct investment (FDI) at the world and regional levels, with a focus on East, South…
When I wanted to make some simple graphs on quantile regressions, I was quite surprised to not find a nice blog where each step is clearly explained over…
Happy to announce that I now have a Medium page:, where I will make a selection of my best blogs on EconMacro. These blogs will stay free…
Let me show you how to use DBnomics to build databases at the NUTS 0, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 levels. I recommend you to consult my blog series…
What if I told you that you can build a panel dataset of 3 variables for almost 200 countries and around 60 years in less than four minutes?…
During the 4th Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics: “Climate and Energy Econometrics”, I had the chance to attend to the presentation of Giovanni Cerulli’s book on…
As mentioned in the last Stata News 39-1, the reshape command is now faster, much faster. For an ongoing project, I had to reshape daily data for sovereign…
Le lundi 12 février prochain, j’aurai le grand plaisir d’animer une leçon doctorale à l’école doctorale Augustin Cournot (ED 221) — Université de Strasbourg. Risques géopolitiques, tensions politiques…
In his last book, La Défaite de l’Occident, Emmanuel Todd, a French historian and demographer, argues that the infant morality rate is higher in the US than in…
After a series of blogs on Maps, I will show how to use GADM data to draw maps for Austria at 4 different administrative levels. I thank Derek…
Today, I will build on my previous blogs to show you how to draw a map of United Nations General Assembly Voting Data with Stata (see here for…
In this blog, I will show you how to compute descriptive statistics by country in a panel data thanks to the Stata command putexcel in a few simple…
In this blog, I will show you that it is simple to switch back and forth between panel data and time series with the Stata command reshape. I…
Usually in Statistics, time is a continuous quantitative variable that uses the interval scale when we are looking at dates (the ratio scale when we elaborate on duration,…
The most complete blog of mine on maps with Stata. I used spmap, grmap, geoplot with one frame and multiple frames. Other examples are given for regions of…
Today, I will build on my two previous blogs to show you how to use an alternative projection for the maps. Indeed, you need a projection when you…
Today, I will build on my previous blog to show you how to merge two macroeconomic series, draw maps and think about some correlations in three simple steps:…
Using maps can be a good way to visualize the spatial dispersion of the data. I made a series of blogs on drawing maps on Stata available in…
NEW WORKING PAPER: The paper adds to the literature on the issue of public debt in African economies, by investigating the role foreign exchange reserves play in improving…
This post has been inspired by a fascinating discussion with Hiro Ito, Eric Clower and Kamila Kuziemska-Pawlak. In an old paper of mine (j.econmod.2015.02.007) written in 2015, I…
In this blog, you will learn to use the Denton method with Stata to interpolate a series to a higher frequency. I will show you a simple example…
Stata 18 est sorti en avril, j’aurai le plaisir d’animer un webinaire pour Timberlake. Ce webinaire présentera trois nouvelles commandes très prisées des utilisateurs : Nous organiserons une…
Thanks to the wonderful guidance of Hashir Shoaib (hashirshoaeb), I finally manage to use GitHub pages to built a portfolio for my recent projects Feel free to…
A few days ago, I assisted to wonderful presentation by Di Liu of StataCorp LLC. His explanations were crystal clear about the difference-in-difference commands introduced in Stata 18.…
I will give my first training session for Timberlake, the 26th October 2023 at 9 – 11 am BST / 10 – 12 pm CEST: The short…
Today, let me draw your attention to this very interesting JEL article. It provides a superb overview of macroeconomic research during the last 40 years. As the authors,…
Today, I will show how to estimate a DSGE model with Stata in a few steps. The model consists of 8 equations and is a variant of the…
Today I will present you VAR_NR, a Stata module to estimate set identified Structural VAR. This toolbox has been provided by Abigail Kuchek, Jonah Danziger and Christoffer Koch. On EconPapers,…
Very honored to contribute my first guest blog post on Econbrowser. I am deeply grateful to Menzie Chinn. Remarks and comments are welcome, as always:
After two first blogs (here and here) on how to launch Stata in a Jupyter Notebook. In the following file, you will see that Stata can be helpful…
You want to launch Stata in a Jupyter Notebook? In the following file, you will see how to launch and use Stata from a Jupyter notebook and associate…
Good news! In the new version of Stata 18, we have a new command that produces local-projection impulse–response functions. You can find the complete description of the command…
During my seminars of Applied Econometric with Stata in the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Strasbourg, I always tell to my students that the…
Great news! Wolfram Research has launched a new function that could help to write a code in various languages: This function requires that you have an account…
Edit: It is an honor to be included on the companion website of Professor Sul: During this summer, I decided to explore and to understand the concept…
NEW PUBLICATION: We can use Fourier Dickey-Fuller unit root tests, time-varying fiscal reaction functions and threshold fiscal reactions functions. Over the period spanning from 1870 to 2017, we…
During this summer, I decided to explore and to understand the concept of common factors in panel data econometrics, which are a very important thing, in the exchange…
In this blog, we will see how to merge two datasets with different county code in a few simple steps. In my previous blog, I have shown how…
In this blog, I will show you in a few simple steps how to use the database aggregator DBnomics to retrieve some data with Stata. In a previous…
This is it! You now need 1 dollar to buy 1 euro. To get this picture below, I used the FRED connection with Mathematica 13.1, as I explained…
During the 24th INFER annual conference, I have the chance to assist to the presentation of a very interesting database on bilateral exports by Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pédussel…
Do you want to launch Stata in a Jupyter Notebook? In the following file, you will see how to launch and use Stata from a Jupyter notebook and…
After a first blog about the Statistical Atlas of the European Commission (The Statistical Atlas) and a second one on how to draw maps with Stata (Drawing Maps…
The temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession. Sherlock Holmes.The Valley of Fear, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1915). In this blog,…
I wisely started with a map, and made the story fit (generally with meticulous care for distances). J. R. R. Tolkien (1954) In this blog, I will show…
The numbers are going up not because we are testing more, but because the virus is being transmitted more. Jennifer Lee (2020). The case fatality rate (i.e. the…
Kurtosis tells you virtually nothing about the shape of the peak – its only unambiguous interpretation is in terms of tail extremity; i.e., either existing outliers (for the…
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