Long series for Central bank total assets from the BIS

The Bank for International Settlements has produced a formidable effort to construct historical series for central bank total assets. The data and the methodology are available on their website.

In this blog, I will show you how to use Jupyter and Stata to produce the following two graphs below. You need to install Jupyter and have access to Stata to reproduce the blog.

I also recommend consulting my series of blogs on DBnomics and Jupyter, since I will be a bit fast on some part that have been already covered on EconMacro.

We start by selecting the desired data on the web portal, then I chose ‘Export’, ‘Code snippet’, and ‘Jupyter’ for using the URL later in the Jupyter notebook. I selected all the countries for the series express as ratio of GDP. I can change the selection and the code snippet will change accordingly.

Now, I launch Jupyter and run the following code, where the URLs come from the previous step (I thank Olivier that suggest me to shorten the part with the two-letter codes for the country names in bold), and I specified the folder (use / as separator for the different folders) where I want the Stata Data to be exported. Do not forget to convert string columns to a maximum length of 244, or the code will not be able to export the data in Stata format:

import os  # Make sure to import the os module

# https://data.bis.org/topics/CBTA

import pandas as pd

urls = ["https://stats.bis.org/api/v2/data/dataflow/BIS/WS_CBTA/1.0/Q...USD+XDC+XDF_R_B1GQ?format=csv"]

df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(url) for url in urls])

dataframes = []

for url in urls:
        df = pd.read_csv(url)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Failed to read {url}: {e}")

if dataframes:
    df = pd.concat(dataframes)
    print("Data successfully concatenated.")
    # Check and convert string columns to a maximum length of 244
    for col in df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns:
        df[col] = df[col].astype(str).str.slice(0, 244)
    # Specify the folder where you want to save the file
    folder_path = "C:/Users/jamel/Dropbox/Jupyter"  # Change this to your desired folder path
    # Ensure the folder exists
    if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
    # Full file path
    file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "concatenated_data_test.dta")
    # Attempt to export to Stata
        df.to_stata(file_path, write_index=False)
        print(f"Data successfully exported to {file_path}")
    except ValueError as e:
        print(f"Error exporting to Stata: {e}")
    print("No data was loaded.")

Now, I will rely on several Stata packages (use \ for the separator of different folders) that I discussed in some of my previous posts to draw the figures presented at the top of this blog.


set scheme Cleanplots
graph set window fontface "Times New Roman"

use "C:\Users\jamel\Dropbox\Jupyter\concatenated_data.dta" 


kountry   REF_AREA, from(iso2c)
rename    NAMES_STD country
kountry   REF_AREA, from(iso2c) to(imfn)
rename    _IMFN_ imfcode

replace   country = "United Arab Emirates" if REF_AREA == "AE"
replace   country = "Euro Area" if REF_AREA == "XM"

split    TIME_PERIOD, parse(-)
replace  TIME_PERIOD2="1" if TIME_PERIOD2=="Q1"
replace  TIME_PERIOD2="4" if TIME_PERIOD2=="Q2" 
replace  TIME_PERIOD2="7" if TIME_PERIOD2=="Q3"
replace  TIME_PERIOD2="10" if TIME_PERIOD2=="Q4"
gen      string = "1" + ///
         "/" + TIME_PERIOD2 + ///
         "/" + TIME_PERIOD1
gen      date = date(string, "DMY")
format   date %td
generate qtr = quarter(date)
generate period = qofd(date)
format   period %tq

split    TITLE, parse(-)
rename   TITLE3 UNITS

rename   OBS_VALUE assets

order imfcode period assets country REF_AREA UNITS ///

replace imfcode=999 if country=="Euro Area"
labmask imfcode, value(REF_AREA)

keep if UNITS == "spliced, GDP"

xtset imfcode period
tsfill, full
xtset imfcode period

drop if country == "Luxembourg"

lab var assets "Central bank total assets in % of GDP"

rename imfcode cn
rename cn imfcode

xtline assets if idc==1, ///
overlay title("Industrial Countries") ///
note("Data from the Bank for International Settlements")
graph rename idc, replace
graph export idc.png, as(png) width(4000) replace

xtline assets if emg==1, ///
overlay title("Emerging Countries") ///
note("Data from the Bank for International Settlements")
graph rename emg, replace
graph export emg.png, as(png) width(4000) replace


Thank you very much, Oliver! That’s perfect. I will change the code in the blog.

import os # Make sure to import the os module

# https://data.bis.org/topics/CBTA

import pandas as pd

urls = [“https://stats.bis.org/api/v2/data/dataflow/BIS/WS_CBTA/1.0/Q…USD+XDC+XDF_R_B1GQ?format=csv”]

df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(url) for url in urls])

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