Bivariate Maps for Chinese Regional Data

Asjad Naqvi released a new version of the bimap package, let me show a small example of how this package works with some regional data for China. I install the packages and prepare the data:

**# Install packages

net install bimap, ///
from("") replace

ssc install spmap, replace
ssc install palettes, replace
ssc install colrspace, replace

ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau 

**# Prepare the data

graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"

generate g2_gdppc_const05_new100=g2_gdppc_const05_new*100

In the following, I make a loop for panel data:

**# Draw the maps

bimap cpi_new g2_gdppc_const05_new100 using                  ///
 ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_shp, cut(pctile)            ///
 palette(census) count values 

forvalues i = 2000(1)2019 {

keep if year==`i' 
bimap cpi_new g2_gdppc_const05_new100 using ///
 ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_shp, cut(pctile) ///
 palette(orangeblue0)  ///
 title("{fontface Arial Bold:Bivariate Map of Regional Inflation and Growth in `i'}") ///
 note("Data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China.") ///	
 textx("Growth") texty("Inflation") texts(3.5) textlabs(3) values count ///
 ocolor(black) osize(0.05) ///
 polygon(data("ne_10m_admin_0_countries_shp") ///
 select(keep if _ID==189) ocolor(black) osize(0.05)) 
graph rename Graph bimap`i', replace



The result:

More details on how to draw maps for Chinese regions:


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