After two blogs on how to draw maps with Stata for the NUTS regions and on how to download data from DBnomics, this time I will show you how to draw maps for the NUTS 2 regions’ hourly wages evolution:
First, use the file with coordinates (NUTS_RG_03M_2021_4326_LEVL_2) to build the nuts2_shp.dta and nuts2.dta files. In the following part of the code, you can rid of some islands:
**# NUTS2 maps
spshape2dta NUTS_RG_03M_2021_4326_LEVL_2, replace saving(nuts2)
use nuts2_shp, clear
drop if _ID==325 // Remove Svalbard
keep _ID _X _Y
keep if _X > -25 & _Y >30 // get rid of the small islands
geo2xy _Y _X, proj (lambert_sphere) replace
sort _ID
save, replace
Then, you have to create NUTS_ID to merge the data:
**# Generate ID for the NUTS 2 regions
use PCurve_NUTS2.dta, clear
capture decode GEO, gen(NUTS_ID)
save PCurve_NUTS2.dta, replace
**# Merge with Maps IDs
use nuts2.dta, clear
foreach v in PCurve_NUTS2 {
merge 1:m NUTS_ID using `v'.dta
capture gen HourlywageVar100=HourlywageVar*100
format HourlywageVar100 %4.2f
Finally, you can draw the maps:
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"
forvalues v = 2001(1)2020 {
replace period=`v' if _merge==1
spmap HourlywageVar100 using nuts2_shp ///
if period==`v' & CNTR_CODE!="TR", id(_ID) ///
fcolor(Reds2) clnumber(10) ///
os(vvthin ..) ndsize(vvthin) ///
ndfcolor(gray%30 ..) ndocolor(black ..) ///
legend(pos(9) ring(0)) ///
title("{fontface STIX Two Text Bold: Variation of Hourly Wages in NUTS 2 Regions `v'}", margin(medium) position(12) span ///
size(small)) ///
note("Note: NUTS 2 regions of EU members represented.", ///
graph rename Graph map`v', replace
*graph export map`v'.png, as(png) width(4000) replace
save PCurve_NUTS2_maps.dta, replace
**# End of Program

I was inspired by Scott Merryman and Asjad Naqvi:
1 Comment
[…] Drawing maps with Stata for the NUTS regions NUTS Data with DBnomics Drawing maps with Stata for the NUTS regions (Hourly Wages) […]