Data Visualisation and Causal Analysis with SVAR and LP models

I will give my first training session for Timberlake, the 26th October 2023 at 9 – 11 am BST / 10 – 12 pm CEST:

The short course will help you to visualise your data using causal models in macroeconomics. The course will be divided into two parts. The first part of the course will be dedicated to the visualization of the time-series. The second part will be devoted to the visualization of the causal impact of world demand for oil and world supply of oil on the oil price.

In the first part, the advantages of using a do-file will be demonstrated. The visualization of time series will also be presented. We will discuss about the different schemes and options for customisation for time-series and correlations. Besides, the exportation of figures inf different formats and size will be automated.

In the second part, the causal impact of demand and supply on the oil prices will be investigated thanks to Structural Vectoral Autoregression (SVAR) models and Local Projections (LP). First, usual diagnostic tests will be presented with various examples. Then, we will use a SVAR to identify a shock (produce an uncorrelated shock thanks to an assumed causal structure). Finally, we visualize the causal impact of demand and supply shocks on the oil price thanks to dynamic multipliers in SVAR and LP.

Upon completion of this course participants will receive a certificate of attendance as proof of professional development.