Financial Development, International Reserves, and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics: Insights from the Europe and Central Asia Region (Finance Research Letters)

NEW PUBLICATION: This study examines the impact of international reserves on real exchange rate (RER) stability in the Europe and Central Asia (ECS) region, focusing on how financial development levels affect this relationship. Using panel threshold regression, the analysis reveals that international reserves significantly stabilize RER when reserves exceed 17.28% of GDP, especially in countries with underdeveloped financial systems. The findings suggest that reserves play a more critical role in less developed financial markets, providing insights for policymakers on optimal reserve management and financial development strategies in emerging economies.

You can find the WP version, the abstract, the keywords and the online appendix in an older post:

You can quote this article as:

Jamel Saadaoui. Financial Development, International Reserves, and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics: Insights from the Europe and Central Asia Region, Finance Research Letters, 2024, accepted.

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