
  1. Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui, Asymmetries in the oil market: Accounting for the growing role of China through quantile regressions, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2024, forthcoming.
  1. António Afonso, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui, On the time-varying impact of China’s bilateral political relations on its trading partners: “doux commerce” or “trade follows the flag”? China Economic Review, Volume 85, June 2024, 102184.
  1. Issiaka Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Hamza Mighri, Jamel Saadaoui, International reserves, currency depreciation and public debt: new evidence of buffer effects in Africa, Emerging Markets Review, Volume 60, June 2024, 101130. Code for replication:
  1. Joshua Aizenman, Sy-Hoa Ho, Luu Duc Toan Huynh, Jamel Saadaoui, Gazi Salah Uddin, Real exchange rate and international reserves in the era of financial integration, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 141, March 2024, 103014.
  1. Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui, How Political Tensions and Geopolitical Risks Impact Oil Prices? Energy Economics, Volume 129, January 2024, 107219.
  1. Yifei Cai, Jamel Saadaoui, Yanrui Wu, Political Relations and Trade: New Evidence from Australia, China and the United States, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2023. Open Access thanks to a grant from The University of Western Australia: 12367.
  1. Rashad Ahmed, Joshua Aizenman, Jamel Saadaoui, Gazi Salah Uddin. On the Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Reserves during the 2021-22 U.S. Monetary Tightening Cycle, Economics Letters, 233, 111367, 111367.
  1. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Samuel Ligonnière, Jamel Saadaoui, The European economy in the time of Covid-19: Towards a new dawn? International Economics 174, 2023, pp. 1-3, 02.002.
  1. Jamel Saadaoui, Chi Keung Marco Lau, Yifei Cai. Testing fiscal sustainability in OECD countries: new evidence from the past centuries. Applied Economics Letters, 31:7, pp. 676-682, 2022, 2142502.
  1. Yifei Cai, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui. Not All Political Relation Shocks are Alike: Assessing the Impacts of US-China Tensions on the Oil Market. Energy Economics 114, 106199, 2022, 106199. Code for replication:
  1. Sy-Hoa Ho, Jamel Saadaoui. Bank credit and economic growth: a dynamic threshold panel model for ASEAN countries. International Economics, 170, pp. 115-128, 2022, 03.001.
  1. Yifei Cai, Jamel Saadaoui. Fourier DF Unit Root Test for R&D Intensity of G7 Countries. Applied Economics, 54:42, pp. 4900-4914, 2022, 2038776.
  1. Sy-Hoa Ho, Jamel Saadaoui. Symmetric and asymmetric effects of exchange rates on money demand: empirical evidence from Vietnam. Applied Economics 53:34, pp. 3948-3961, 2021, 1888864. Code for replication:
  1. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Meixing Dai, Claire Mainguy, Jamel Saadaoui, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Isabelle Terraz & Jamel Trabelsi. Towards a more resilient European Union after the COVID-19 crisis. Eurasian Economic Review 11, pp. 321-348, 2021, s40822-021-00167-4.
  1. Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Dealing with the consequences of exchange rate misalignments for macroeconomic adjustments in the EMU. Metroeconomica 69(4), pp. 737-767, 2018, meca.12211.
  1. Jamel Saadaoui. Internal devaluations and equilibrium exchange rates: New evidences and perspectives for the EMU. Applied Economics 50(59), pp. 6364-6381, 2018, 1486019. Code for replication:
  1. Jamel Saadaoui. Does financial openness explain the increase in global imbalances before the crisis of 2008? International Economics 143, pp. 23-35, 2015, 04.002.
  1. Jamel Saadaoui. Global imbalances: Should we use fundamental equilibrium exchange rates? Economic Modelling 47, pp. 383-398, 2015, 02.007. Code for replication:
  1. Jamel Saadaoui, Jacques Mazier. On the determinants of exchange rate misalignments. Applied Economics Letters 20(18), pp. 1608-1610, 2013, 829189.
  1. Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Désajustements de change, fédéralisme budgétaire et redistribution. Comment s’ajuster en union monétaire ? Revue de l’OFCE 127, pp. 57-96, 2013, 127.0057.
  1. Antonia López-Villavicencio, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Temporal dimension and equilibrium exchange rate: A FEER / BEER comparison. Emerging Markets Review 13(1) pp. 58-77, 2012, 10.001. Code for replication:
  1. Antonia López-Villavicencio, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Dimension temporelle et taux de change d’équilibre. Une application au cas des États-Unis. Revue Économique 63(3), pp. 535-544, 2012, reco.633.0535.
  1. Jamel Saadaoui. Exchange rate dynamics and fundamental equilibrium exchange rates. Economics Bulletin 31(3), pp. 1993-2005, 2011, EB-11-V31-I3-P180.
  1. Se-Eun Jeong, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Exchange rate misalignments and international imbalances: A FEER approach for emerging countries. International Economics 124(4) pp. 31-74, 2010, 60019-0.
  1. Se-Eun Jeong, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui. Exchange rate misalignments at world and European levels: A FEER approach. International Economics 121(1) pp. 25-58, 2010, 60007-4.

Scientific activities at a glance

  • Articles (peer-reviewed): 25* (+1 forthcoming)
  • Special issues (peer-reviewed): 2 (+1 forthcoming)
  • Editorial Positions: 1
  • Books: 1
  • Book chapters (peer-reviewed): 5
  • International and national conferences: 41
  • Symposiums: 8
  • Workshops: 18
  • Organized conferences: 6 (+1 forthcoming)
  • Reviewer for journals: 74 (25 for A-ranked journals*)
  • Reviewer for international conferences: 4
  • Scientific grants: 4
  • PhD thesis supervisions: 3 (3 ongoing)
  • Total amount of funding (past and ongoing projects): 60,000 EUR

*Note: CNU ranking list: A (10), B (11), C (3), Unranked (1). Last updated: June 6, 2024.