Tag: Financial Institutions

Strong Institutions Shield Emerging Markets from US Monetary Shocks

Allow me to share this ADB blog written by Donghyun Park and Irfan A. Qureshi. Based on our recent joint publication in the Journal of International Money and…

Pourquoi les économies émergentes détiennent-elles autant de réserves de change à l’ère de l’intégration financière ?

J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer ma première note de blog sur le site l’AFSE concernant la détention des réserves de change. Dans laquelle, nous tentons de répondre…

Do FX reserves promote monetary autonomy in the presence of global spillovers?

NEW PUBLICATION: This paper examines whether the size of foreign exchange (FX) reserves can explain cross-country differences in foreign currency depreciation observed over the 2021-22 Federal Reserve monetary…

Real Exchange Rate and International Reserves in the Era of Financial Integration

NEW WORKING PAPER: The global financial crisis has brought increased attention to the consequences of international reserves holdings. In an era of high financial integration, we investigate the…