After a series of blogs where I explained the functioning of the DBnomics package:
I will show how to directly download the Vulnerability Index built by the ND-GAIN:
**# Import the data
dbnomics import, provider(ND_GAIN) ///
dataset(vulnerability) clear
rename value VUL
destring VUL, replace force
split series_name, parse(–)
encode series_name2, generate(cn)
*keep cn country period VUL
order cn country period VUL
kountry country, from(iso3c) to(imfn) m
list cn country _IMFN_ MARKER ///
if period == 2020 & MARKER == 0
drop if MARKER == 0
rename _IMFN_ imfcode
order cn country imfcode period
keep cn country imfcode period VUL
drop if imfcode==.
xtset imfcode period
save VUL_ND.dta, replace
Now, I will build on the Medium blog written by Asjad Naqvi and use Ben Jann’s package heatplot for the highly vulnerable countries
**# Heat map
encode country, generate(CN)
*** install the packages
ssc install heatplot, replace
help heatplot // see for the documentation and examples
sum VUL, detail
format VUL %4.2f
by imfcode: egen mean_VUL = mean(VUL)
drop if mean_VUL< .5174853
summ period
local x1 = `r(min)'
local x2 = `r(max)'
heatplot VUL period if mean_VUL> .5174853 , ///
yscale(noline) ///
ylabel(, nogrid labsize(*0.5)) ///
xlabel(`x1'(5)`x2', labsize(*0.75) angle(vertical) nogrid) ///
color(inferno, reverse) ///
levels(8) ///
ramp(right space(14) format(%4.2f)) ///
p(lcolor(black%10) lwidth(*0.1)) ///
ytitle("") ///
xtitle("", size(vsmall)) ///
xdiscrete name(vulQ3, replace) ///
title("Vulnerability Index (above Q3)") ///
note("Data source: Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative.", ///
[…] Today, I will focus on the economic risk rating component. In particular, I will take a closer look at the inflation risk variable. In their methodology note, they mention that inflation risk is computed as a score for the estimated annual inflation rate (the unweighted average of the Consumer Price Index) calculated as a percentage change. If annual inflation is below 2 percent, the score is 10 (best); between 19.0 and 21.9 percent, the score is 5; and if the annual inflation rate is above 130 percent, the score is 0 (the worst). See below the heat maps for the inflation risk below the first quartile (the code is available at the end of this blog, see this post). […]
[…] Feeling the Heat: Heatmaps for Vulnerability Scores Explaining the Infrastructure Vulnerability Score for the Russia Federation […]
[…] Feeling the Heat: Heatmaps for Vulnerability Scores […]
[…] Feeling the Heat: Heatmaps for Vulnerability Scores […]