Tag: Data Visualization

Guest Contribution: “Impact of Climate Risk on Fiscal Space: Does Political Stability and Financial Development Matter?”

Very honored to contribute my fourth guest blog post on Econbrowser. I am deeply grateful to Menzie Chinn. The recent literature establishes that climate risk reduces the fiscal space,…

Impact of Climate Risk on Fiscal Space: Do Religious Tensions Matter?

In our new working paper, written with John Beirne, Donghyun Park, and Gazi Salah Uddin, we find that political stability together with financial development matter for the negative…

Long series for Central bank total assets from the BIS

The Bank for International Settlements has produced a formidable effort to construct historical series for central bank total assets. The data and the methodology are available on their…

Leçon doctorale à l’école doctorale Augustin Cournot (ED 221) — Université de Strasbourg

Le lundi 12 février prochain, j’aurai le grand plaisir d’animer une leçon doctorale à l’école doctorale Augustin Cournot (ED 221) — Université de Strasbourg. Risques géopolitiques, tensions politiques…

Illustrating the sample variance bias with R and Mathematica

In my previous blog, I recall that we can demonstrate in a few steps that the sample variance is an unbiased estimator of the population variance when we…