
During the first semester, I give lectures on (1) International Economics, and (2) on Economic Policy in the EU. During the second semester, I give lectures on (1) Geopolitical Tensions and Economics and (2) Structural Economic Policy in the EU. My teaching duties will be done at the IEE (https://www.univ-paris8.fr/Institut-d-etudes-europeennes-IEE).

University Paris 8 – IEE

Current teaching:
International Economics (M.S., Lecture, 25 hours per year) 2024 to present; Economic Policy in the EU (M.S., Lecture, 25 hours per year) 2024 to present; Geopolitical Tensions and Economics (M.S., Lecture, 20 hours per year) 2024 to present; Structural Economic Policy in the EU (M.S., Lecture, 20 hours per year) 2024 to present.

University of Strasbourg

Previous teaching:
Principles of macroeconomics (B.S., Lecture, 18 hours per year) 2016 to 2024; Statistics and Probability I (B.S., Lecture, 20 hours per year) 2016 to 2024; Statistics and Probability II (B.S., Lecture, 12 hours per year) 2016 to 2024; Introduction to Economics (B.S., Lecture, 30 hours per year) 2018 to 2024; Economics of Monetary Union (M.S., Lecture, 15 hours per year) 2018 to 2024; Applied Econometrics with Stata (M.S., Seminar, 15 hours per year) 2014 to 2024. Macroeconomics III (B.S., Tutorial and Lecture) 2015 to 2016; Economic Policy (B.S., Lecture) 2013 to 2016; Macroeconomics II (B.S., Tutorial) 2013 to 2016; Business Cycle Theory (M.S., Lecture) 2013 to 2016.

University Paris 13

Previous teaching:
Applied Econometrics with EViews (M.S., Seminar) 2015 to 2018; Macroeconomic Modelling with EViews (M.S., Seminar) 2015 to 2018; Applied Econometrics (M.S., Lecture) 2011 to 2013; Macroeconomics I (B.S., Tutorial) 2011 to 2013; Econometrics I (M.S., Tutorial) 2008 to 2013; Applied Macroeconomics (M.S., Tutorial) 2008 to 2013.