In the Stata New 40-1, it is easier to have access to template do-files from the menu. In this blog, I will show how to use a program to reduce the number of repetitive tasks that you have to do.
We intend to utilize the monthly dataset retrieved from this article:
I can start by creating an ado file in the desired folder. This program is an “ado” file that will estimate a four-variable VAR and recover the structural shocks relying on a recursive identification, as described in this blog. In addition, the program ‘svarjamel.ado’ will plot the reduced-form and structural shocks:
*! version 1.0.0 29jan2025
program define svarjamel
version 18.5 // or desired version
matrix A = (1,0,0,0\.,1,0,0\.,.,1,0\.,.,.,1)
matlist A
matrix B = (.,0,0,0\0,.,0,0\0,0,.,0\0,0,0,.)
matlist B
varsoc $X, maxlag(12)
svar $X, aeq(A) beq(B) ///
/* compute the inv(B)*A matrix */
matrix A=e(A)
matrix B=e(B)
matrix BA = inv(B)*A
/* compute reduced form epsilon_t residuals */
var $X
capture drop epsilon*
predict double epsilon1,residual eq(#1)
predict double epsilon2,residual eq(#2)
predict double epsilon3,residual eq(#3)
predict double epsilon4,residual eq(#4)
/* store the epsilon* variables in the epsilon matrix */
mkmat epsilon*, matrix(epsilon)
/* compute e_t matrix of structural shocks */
matrix e = (BA*epsilon')'
/* store columns of e as variables e1, e2, and e3 */
svmat double e
label variable epsilon1 "Reduced-form shocks"
label variable e1 "Structural shocks"
twoway (tsline e1 if Period>tm(2000m1)) (tsline epsilon1 ///
if Period>tm(2000m1), yaxis(1)), ///
name(G, replace) legend(position(6)) graphregion(margin(r+5))
In the code, the vector of variable is stored in a global macro called X. Then, I can launch the code in the same folder where the ado is stored:
cap program drop svarjamel // Delete previous running program
cd "C:\Users\jamel\Dropbox\Documents\blog-data" // Choose the current directory
qui do "svarjamel.ado" // Quietly run the program
use database_pri_gpr.dta, clear // Use the database in Mignon and Saadaoui (2024)
global X lpri lpro ldem lrpo // Store the vector of variable in a macro
svarjamel // Execute the code
The results:

You can leverage the power of the programs and reduce the number of repetitive portions in your code. The code is now available from the editor menu: