Checking the rank condition in a CCE estimation with xtdcce2
This post is based on two videos posted by Vasilis Sarafidis on his YouTube channel. In the first one, he presents briefly the theory about the rank condition…
This post is based on two videos posted by Vasilis Sarafidis on his YouTube channel. In the first one, he presents briefly the theory about the rank condition…
This post has been inspired by a fascinating discussion with Hiro Ito, Eric Clower and Kamila Kuziemska-Pawlak. In an old paper of mine (j.econmod.2015.02.007) written in 2015, I…
To allow national fiscal stabilizers to work, governments must be able to borrow at an affordable cost in times of economic stress. A strong fiscal framework is indispensable…
Even with more flexible economies, internal adjustment will always be slower than it would be if countries had their own exchange rate. Mario Draghi (2015). The title of…
Entre le déclenchement de la crise de l’euro et le vote britannique sur la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne, nous avons assisté à une réduction massive des…
It was a real pleasure to participate in the 9th EUROFRAME conference which took place in June 2012 at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The conference…
Cette recherche a été motivée par deux types de critique portant sur les taux de change d’équilibre. Le premier type de critique porte sur les incertitudes entourant les…
This research has been motivated by two lines of criticism about equilibrium exchange rates, the first one bears on the uncertainties surrounding the measurement of equilibrium exchange rates…
As far as I remember, I always wanted to be a researcher in social sciences. It is great pleasure for me to share with the world, my first…
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