Towards a more resilient EU after the COVID-19 crisis
NEW PUBLICATION: I am very grateful to my colleagues Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Meixing Dai, Claire Mainguy, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Isabelle Terraz and Jamel Trabelsi for all their efforts and for…
NEW PUBLICATION: I am very grateful to my colleagues Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Meixing Dai, Claire Mainguy, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Isabelle Terraz and Jamel Trabelsi for all their efforts and for…
It is an immense pleasure to announce that the call for papers for the International Economics special issue is now online. Please have no hesitation to submit your…
If words are not things, or maps are not the actual territory, then, obviously, the only possible link between the objective world and the linguistic world is found…
The representative-agent in macroeconomics analyzes the gas as if there is one big molecule subject to the law that governs real molecules. Kevin D. Hoover (2007). Are only…
It was very interesting to reread this special issue of Le Point published last summer. This issue displays a journalistic article on one page and an abstract of…
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quichotte (1605). How did we find out that Earth is a sphere? How in the same moment a…
The numbers are going up not because we are testing more, but because the virus is being transmitted more. Jennifer Lee (2020). The case fatality rate (i.e. the…
Kurtosis tells you virtually nothing about the shape of the peak – its only unambiguous interpretation is in terms of tail extremity; i.e., either existing outliers (for the…
Two important characteristics of maps should be noticed. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which…
“Data! Data! Data!” he cried impatiently. “I can’t make bricks without clay.” Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1892). In my previous…
The rate of exchange between two countries is primarily determined by the quotient between the internal purchasing power against goods of the money of each country. The general…
Estimator: A statistic used to approximate a population parameter. Sometimes called a point estimator. Estimate: The observed value of the estimator. Unbiased estimator: An estimator whose expected value…
We’re supposed to be living in an era where human beings have become the dominant influence on the environment, but COVID-19 has revealed the fragility of our societies and the…
L’Histoire ne rampe pas. L’Histoire bondit. Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2008). Dans ces temps troublés pour l’économie mondiale plongée dans un coma artificiel, l’union monétaire européenne est sur la…
History does not crawl. History jumps. Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2008). In these dark times of ’Coronacoma’ for the World Economy, the European Monetary Union is on the brink……
La loi de la population nous est inconnue, parce qu’on ignore la nature de la fonction qui sert de mesure aux obstacles, tant préventifs que destructifs, qui s’opposent…
The demand for money is likely to depend upon the exchange rate in addition to the interest rate and the level of income; this would slightly reduce the…
This special issue of Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Économiques de Bruxelles aims at providing some theoretical and empirical perspectives on the euro crisis from a macroeconomic viewpoint.…
On October 26, 1985, in Back to the Future Part II, Dr. Emmett Brown (Doc) and Marty Mac Fly go back to 1955 after trying to prevent Marty’s…
Downward wage and price rigidity matters only when overall inflation is very low. Joseph E. Gagnon (2018). As the US unemployment rate continues to drift down to levels…
It was a real pleasure to read this book. Set aside the provocative tone of the author and you will understand why having one’s skin in the game…
To allow national fiscal stabilizers to work, governments must be able to borrow at an affordable cost in times of economic stress. A strong fiscal framework is indispensable…
Even with more flexible economies, internal adjustment will always be slower than it would be if countries had their own exchange rate. Mario Draghi (2015). The title of…
The error contained in this sermon determined me to publish my “Agrarian Justice.” It is wrong to say God made rich and poor; He made only male and…
Entre le déclenchement de la crise de l’euro et le vote britannique sur la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne, nous avons assisté à une réduction massive des…
Policymakers, and institutions like the IMF that advise them, must be guided not by faith, but by evidence of what has worked. Jonathan Ostry, Prakash Loungani, Davide Furceri…
Le processus d’ajustement est obligatoire pour le débiteur et facultatif pour le créancier. Si le créancier choisit ou non de réaliser sa part de l’ajustement, il ne souffre…
The process of adjustment is compulsory for the debtor and voluntary for the creditor. If the creditor does not choose to make, or allow, his share of the…
When I want to explain the concept of Knightian uncertainty (Frank Knight, 1921) to my students. I sometimes refer to the video filmed in March 2003 of Donald…
It was a real pleasure to participate in the 9th EUROFRAME conference which took place in June 2012 at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The conference…
Cette recherche a été motivée par deux types de critique portant sur les taux de change d’équilibre. Le premier type de critique porte sur les incertitudes entourant les…
This research has been motivated by two lines of criticism about equilibrium exchange rates, the first one bears on the uncertainties surrounding the measurement of equilibrium exchange rates…
As far as I remember, I always wanted to be a researcher in social sciences. It is great pleasure for me to share with the world, my first…
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