Most-viewed research on SSRN

Happy new year to all of you. I hope that this new year will be great and that a few of my most viewed research on SSRN will help some of you! The codes are usually available on my GitHub profile

I present the 5 most consulted research on SSRN:

  1. Ho, S. H., & Saadaoui, J. (2022). Bank credit and economic growth: A dynamic threshold panel model for ASEAN countries. International Economics170, 115-128. (759 downloads on SSRN). Stata codes available.
  2. Ginn, W., & Saadaoui, J. (2024). Monetary Policy Reaction to Geopolitical Risks in Unstable Environments. (435 downloads on SSRN). Stata codes will be released.
  3. Mignon, V., & Saadaoui, J. (2024). How do political tensions and geopolitical risks impact oil prices? Energy Economics129, 107219. (434 downloads on SSRN). Stata codes will be released.
  4. Bloom, D. E., Prettner, K., Saadaoui, J., & Veruete, M. (2024). Artificial intelligence and the skill premium (No. w32430). National Bureau of Economic Research. (347 downloads on SSRN). Mathematica codes available.
  5. Beirne, J., Park, D., Saadaoui, J., & Uddin, G. S. (2024). Impact of Climate Risk on Fiscal Space: Do Political Stability and Financial Development Matter? (No. 748). Asian Development Bank. (229 downloads on SSRN). Stata codes will be released.

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