Artificial Intelligence and the Skill Premium (NBER WP)

NEW WORKING PAPER: How will the emergence of ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) affect the skill premium? To address this question, we propose a nested constant elasticity of substitution production function that distinguishes among three types of capital: traditional physical capital (machines, assembly lines), industrial robots, and AI. Following the literature, we assume that industrial robots predominantly substitute for low-skill workers, whereas AI mainly helps to perform the tasks of high-skill workers. We show that AI reduces the skill premium as long as it is more substitutable for high-skill workers than low-skill workers are for high-skill workers.

You are welcome to download, share, or comment on the following working paper:

  • David E. Bloom, Klaus Prettner, Jamel Saadaoui, Mario Veruete (2024), Artificial Intelligence and the Skill Premium. NBER Working Paper Series, 32430,


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