First step: Installations

First of all, you need to install the Anaconda Prompt (conda). Tou have to follow the instructions on the conda website:

Then, you have to install the jupyter notebook. The instructions are available on their website:

In a third step, you have to install PyStata:

In Stata, enter the following command to locate the folder containing Stata 17 : display c(sysdir_stata)

The software is in this folder 'C:\Program Files\Stata17/' in my case and I use the standard edition.

In conda, install PyStata : pip install --upgrade --user stata_setup

Lastly, you have to install the matplotlib library for an illustration with a 3D graph:

In conda, you can type:

python -m pip install -U pip

python -m pip install -U matplotlib

Now, you are ready to launch Stata from the Jupyter Notebook.

Second step: Lauching Stata from the Jupyter Notebook